This is the logo of createmytoken

Create Your Cryptocurrency

Every token is 100% ownable and comes with a verified source code

For mobile users, please open this website within Metamask.

How to use the MetaMask Mobile Browser .

Need help? Take a look at how to create a BEP20 Token or at how to create an ERC20 Token.

For Mobile Users, please use this website within the Metamask mobile browser. Take a look at

How to create a token from a mobile device..



Tokens can be burned to decrease the supply

Tokens can be minted to increase the supply

A certain percentage of each transaction is burned / A certain percentage of each transaction is sent to an address of your choice

1% of each transaction is burnt | 0 equals no burn fee 4%

4% of each transaction is sent to the Tax Receiving Address | 0 equals no transaction tax

Holder Redistribution

A certain percentage of each transaction is redistributed to the holders proportional to the tokens they hold

5% of each transaction is redistributed to the holders proportional to the tokens they hold | 0 equals no holders reward fee
MetaMask is not installed
Please install MetaMask and use the browser within the app to create a token.
Insufficient Balance
Please transfer some BNB to your MetaMask account.
Token was successfully created!
Contract address:
Token on BSC-Scan:
Error: Please Open metamask and switch to a BSC-Network.
Error: Please Open metamask and switch to an Ethereum-Network.
Error: Please Open metamask and switch to a Fantom-Network.
Error: Please Open metamask and switch to a Polygon-Network.
Error: Creation of token was not sucessfull.
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